World Cancer Day: Help us fight the disease

Beechwood Cancer Care Centre

On World Cancer Day, Beechwood Cancer Care Centre chief executive Allen Whittaker is urging people to take the opportunity to raise awareness and educate about the disease and make 2016 a year of change.

“Today is World Cancer Day. But for millions of people, every day is cancer day – which is why we need to talk about it to make improvements to care and treatment across the world and ultimately find a cure for the many forms of this disease.

“World Cancer Day gives us the opportunity to think about loved ones, family, friends who have been affected by cancer in one way or another and what we can do to help others not have to go through the same situations.

“It is a day that can unite so many of us to hopefully raise millions of pounds across the globe to save millions of lives.

“Nine million people are likely to die from cancer next year, if left unchecked, and this figure is set to rise to 13 million in 2030.

“If we are to help prevent deaths from cancer, we first need to start with awareness and education.

“So, we need to make sure our mums, daughters, sisters go for that cervical screening test or make sure our dads, uncles, brothers are not embarrassed to go to the doctors to check out a lump.

“Many patients and carers have walked through the doors of Beechwood, some coming through their diagnosis and sadly others not. We remember each and every one of them and it gives us the strength to work harder to make the lives of people with cancer better.

“Only talking about it more will help this – so let’s not just talk, let’s shout it from the roof tops and make sure everyone can hear us that cancer is affecting our lives now, so let’s do something about it!

Beechwood chief executive Allen Whittaker

“World Cancer Day is a day to unite. Let’s make 2016 the year where more research and medical breakthroughs happen, where more cancers are caught early, to improve and save lives.

“One day is not going to change this, we need to be putting up a fight, day in and day out. Let’s not just think about it for a day, let’s make this the year that we turn a corner with cancer.

“Helping comes in many guises, whether that is fundraising or volunteering for a charity like Beechwood, raising the awareness or educating, or whether you are helping to lobby Government to make improvements in cancer care.

“The theme for this year’s World Cancer Day is #WeCanICan and this is very fitting as together we can make a huge difference.

“Please watch our video to see how lives are being affected by cancer and take a minute to think what you can do to help fight cancer.”

To see more about Beechwood, go to their website

Paul Harrison: Paul Harrison has been working as a journalist for more than 25 years at Trinity Mirror, Guardian Media Group and the BBC. He has edited many respected newspapers including the Stockport Express and the Rochdale Observer, and now runs Paul Harrison Media.
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