Big Heart charity support network launched by Yellow Jigsaw

Grace Dyke and Kirsty DayGrace Dyke and Kirsty Day

Grace Dyke and Kirsty Day

A Sale businesswoman has launched a new skills network dedicated to supporting charities and social enterprises.

Big Heart – PR and Marketing Network – is the idea of Kirsty Day, along with her business partner Grace Dyke, who run Yellow Jigsaw, a communications, training and events social enterprise.

They will be holding a free taster lunch and learn seminar at Rise Manchester, Deansgate, on Monday, January 30, from 10.30am to 2.30pm, to showcase the network – which is open to charities and social enterprises across the north west.

Kirsty, 35, a trained journalist, said: “Being social entrepreneurs ourselves, we are passionate about helping other social enterprises and charities gain the skills they need to get more support for their good causes.

“The network is open to all levels of staff from directors of small social enterprises to regional fundraisers for national charities.

“We have both worked for national charities, and with local charities and social enterprises through Yellow Jigsaw, and what we always come across is that they all have great stories to tell but don’t have the right skills to know the best way of getting noticed and shout about their fantastic work – we want to help with this.

“So, not only will the network provide essential new PR and marketing skills, but it will boost relationships with other charities and social enterprises across the North West, to share ideas and resources.”

Big Heart Network will include a monthly working lunch, with a PR skills seminar, from social media to broadcast interview skills, as well as digital marketing webinars, from email marketing and WordPress design to AdWords, and an hour of expert PR consultancy during each month, which can include editing and reviewing press releases, reputation risk advice or campaign creations.

Register for the free taster event at Eventbrite or for more information go to the Big Heart website.


Paul Harrison: Paul Harrison has been working as a journalist for more than 25 years at Trinity Mirror, Guardian Media Group and the BBC. He has edited many respected newspapers including the Stockport Express and the Rochdale Observer, and now runs Paul Harrison Media.
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