Council tax in Stockport to rise by 3.75%

Council tax in Stockport is to rise by 3.75%, it has been announced following Thursday night’s council budget meeting

That means residents living in an average band D property are set to pay £1,449.44 from April.

Overall, when taking account of the Greater Manchester Police and Fire and Rescue precepts, which the Council does not set but has to collect, the Band D Council Tax is £1,665.52, or an extra £1.12 per week.

Councillor Sue Derbyshire, leader of Stockport Council, said: “The aspirations of residents, families and children continue to be at the forefront of our decision making when deciding upon our budget for 2016/17, so we’ve continued to focus on our key principles which include protection for the most vulnerable members of our society whilst building and supporting independence for individuals and communities.

“We’re building this and future years’ spending plans on delivering value for money against a background of ever increasing pressure on our resources. This means we’ll need to continue to find more savings in future years and we’re focussed on ensuring that everything we do as a Council and with partners meets the objectives we’ve set ourselves.

“I understand that the headline for many people at this moment in time is the coming Council Tax rise, but as a borough we also have a lot to look forward too over the coming months and years, particularly our ‘Investing in Stockport’ programme, which confirms our commitment along with our partners in making Stockport an even better place to live, work and visit.”

Of the 3.75% increase, 2% is a result of a new option that was created by the Government last November to help tackle the increasing costs of adult social care. The remaining 1.75% of the rise is to make up for government financial support to the Council being reduced more significantly than anticipated.

Stockport Council Tax charge for 2016/17

  • Band A: £1,110.34
  • Band B: £1,295.39
  • Band C: £1,480.45
  • Band D: £1,665.52
  • Band E: £2,035.64
  • Band F: £2,405.75
  • Band G: £2,775.86
  • Band H: £3,331.04

(including the Greater Manchester Police and Fire and Rescue Precepts)

Paul Harrison: Paul Harrison has been working as a journalist for more than 25 years at Trinity Mirror, Guardian Media Group and the BBC. He has edited many respected newspapers including the Stockport Express and the Rochdale Observer, and now runs Paul Harrison Media.
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