Free football training for fun and fitness

Grace Rigby, 8, and Madison Kivel, 9 enjoy the free football event

Over 45 young people took part in a fun, free football afternoon in Stockport over the half-term holidays.

The event was organised by Stockport Homes in partnership with Stockport County Football Club and the Power League.

The football sessions gave children, aged from 8-14, a chance to get professional coaching from Stockport County and take part in a small football tournament. Free tickets to Stockport County games were also given out.

The event gave children something active and positive to take part in over the February half term and is part of Stockport Homes plans to provide positive activities to help build communities and discourage anti-social behaviour.

Rebecca Parry Education Officer at Stockport Homes said “The event was a real success we were so pleased that so many young people braved the miserable February weather to take part in a fun afternoon, we have been running this event for a number of years but this was the first time we chose to deliver it in February so thanks to everyone who took part.”


Paul Harrison: Paul Harrison has been working as a journalist for more than 25 years at Trinity Mirror, Guardian Media Group and the BBC. He has edited many respected newspapers including the Stockport Express and the Rochdale Observer, and now runs Paul Harrison Media.
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