Improve your swimming with Master Harry Needs

Stockport Metro and Life Leisure have teamed up to offer swimming improvement sessions.

The Stockport Metro Masters classes will be run by former GB swimmer Harry Needs at Grand Central in Stockport and at Romiley swimming pool.

The  programme has been launched for swimmers 18 and over to help them improve their technique, speed and endurance whatever their personal goals.

Harry said: “We are running this programme for people who simply want to improve how they swim or perhaps learn a new stroke, or who are serious club members and competitive swimmers who are hoping to win races, compete in triathlons or open water swimming.

“One thing they will all do is improve their swimming ability whilst having a lot of fun.”

There are already participants who are feeling the benefits of the programme, including Rachael Follows.

Rachel loved swimming from an early age, but due to a long list of health issues including problems with her heart and epilepsy, swimming had become difficult.

She said “Not only did I struggle physically, but I also lost my confidence. Without the Masters programme and the care and attention Harry puts into every session I probably would have dropped out of swimming altogether.

“It offers everyone the opportunity to swim with support and encouragement to reach whatever targets you set yourself.”

Julie Bennett, swimming development manager at Life Leisure, added: “We love to see these sessions, there are some truly inspirational stories and what is so clear to see is the great camaraderie and enthusiasm.

“Everyone really gets on and supports each other and of course Harry is a complete star, everyone cannot speak highly enough about him.

“He really knows just how to get the best out of the swimmers, whatever they want to achieve.”

How to get involved

Sessions are currently available on Monday at Life Leisure Romiley 20.30–21.30, Wednesday at Life Leisure Grand Central 21.05–22.05 and Friday with three hourly sessions running from 18.30–21.30.

For more information about Stockport Metro Masters visit the Life Leisure website, call Harry Needs on 07908 644455 or Life Leisure 0161 482 0900.

Paul Harrison: Paul Harrison has been working as a journalist for more than 25 years at Trinity Mirror, Guardian Media Group and the BBC. He has edited many respected newspapers including the Stockport Express and the Rochdale Observer, and now runs Paul Harrison Media.
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