More than 600 knives handed in during GMP amnesty

Ten amnesty bins put out across Greater Manchester

A total of 632 knives were handed into Greater Manchester Police in an amnesty during September.

Ten amnesty bins put out around Greater Manchester for members of the public to anonymously deposit knives.

Officers also made 44 arrests for separate knife incidents across the week, which ranged from people being arrested on suspicion of carrying a knife to robbery. Of these arrests, three knives were recovered and safely disposed of.

Over 230 stop-and-searches were performed, many of which resulted in an arrest. Out of these arrests, seven were related to knife-crime and seven knives were seized.

During the week there were 126 educational events ranging from officers making visits to schools and colleges.

Superintendent Chris Downey said: “This is a great result for Greater Manchester as this means there are 632 less knives out on the streets.

“During the week 232 stop and searches were performed, which have proved to be an important preventative tactic in reducing knife crime incidents.

“The consequences around carrying a knife are huge and range from being expelled from school, through to loss of life.

“A big part of my role is to inform people of the catastrophic after-effects of carrying a knife, with one point in particular being that even if you don’t plan on using the knife, just by carrying it, your chances of becoming a victim of knife crime increases.”

Paul Harrison: Paul Harrison has been working as a journalist for more than 25 years at Trinity Mirror, Guardian Media Group and the BBC. He has edited many respected newspapers including the Stockport Express and the Rochdale Observer, and now runs Paul Harrison Media.
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