Noddy Holder entertains at charity lunch in Cheshire

Jackie Oldham (chair of Trustees, St Ann's Hospice); Noddy Holder and wife Suzan; Eamonn O'Neal (chief executive, St Ann's); Martin Murray and wife Gemma; Paula Loftus and husband Pat.

Glam rock legend Noddy Holder was a smash hit as a special guest at a charity lunch in aid of St Ann’s Hospice.

The one-time lead singer with Slade entertained an audience of 260 people at The Mere Golf Resort and Spa with tales from his music career.

Fellow guest  speaker Martin Murray, from St Helens, told how he turned his back on a life of crime to become a successful boxer and family man.

The event was organised by Pat and Paula Loftus, from High Legh, who have raised around £65,000 for St Ann’s from their Christmas lunches.

Pat, a retired vice-chair of Deloitte, said: “St Ann’s Hospice is almost 50 years old and does incredible work caring for those with life-limiting illnesses.

“We’d like to thank everyone for their generous support, especially the north west business community.”

Guests included footballers stars Paul Dickov, Dennis Tueart, Brian Horton and Kevin Moran, ex-cricketer Neil Fairbrother, rugby league’s Paul Sculthorpe and Emmerdale actor Chris Bisson.

Paul Harrison: Paul Harrison has been working as a journalist for more than 25 years at Trinity Mirror, Guardian Media Group and the BBC. He has edited many respected newspapers including the Stockport Express and the Rochdale Observer, and now runs Paul Harrison Media.
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