Reddish Vale Golf Club win Redmoor Holden Trophy for the first time since 2000

Manchester & District Golf captains against Northumberland captains

Reddish Vale have won the Redmoor Holden Trophy for the first time since 2000.

The annual event is contested by Reddish Vale, Heaton Moor, Denton and Houldsworth golf clubs – the format sees three of the four Stableford scores counting.

The first leg of this year’s event was held at Reddish Vale with Mike Oates top scoring with 38 points as the home team posted 97 points.

The second leg at Heaton Moor saw captain Tony Barnes, president Derek Wilson, manager Dave Sanders and past captain Ian Doyle post 103 points to take the trophy with 200 points.

Dave Sanders said: “The three best just got us past the winning post. Thanks to the boys that managed to get us in the lead in the first round including top scorer on the day Mike Oates.”

The Reddish Vale Trophy was won by Andrew Rexstraw from Romiley GC with a net 67 off 11 handicap. More than 80 golfers from across the region played in the event.

Reddish Vale also hosted day two of the Manchester & District Golf Captains match against the Northumberland Captains.

Manchester were leading 5-2 from the previous day at Bramall Park GC.

Reddish Vale captain Tony Barnes and the MDGC captain Brian Ashfield won the final game but the visitors were worthy winners.

Andrew with Reddish Vale captain Tony Barnes and president Derek Wilson
Paul Harrison: Paul Harrison has been working as a journalist for more than 25 years at Trinity Mirror, Guardian Media Group and the BBC. He has edited many respected newspapers including the Stockport Express and the Rochdale Observer, and now runs Paul Harrison Media.
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