Stockport band Blossoms support mental health initiative The Mind Map


Stockport band Blossoms are supporting a new mental health association that want to support young people to live well.

The Mind Map – started by Phil Bridges – has set up crowdfunding to training teachers to become mental health first aid instructors to support youngsters – and the social enterprise aims to have this role in every school in Greater Manchester.

Blossoms, showed their support by being interviewed for The Mind Map website – which acts as an online magazine, sharing stories of people who have been affected by mental health problems.

The Mind Map, which was started in March 2018, is also backed by stars including TV chef Simon Rimmer and Everton player Leighton Baines.

Phil Bridges

Phil, who is trained as a mental health first aid instructor, says he set up The Mind Map to break through the myths surrounding mental health and to get rid of the stigma that sounds it, to encourage more young people to open up.

And it has three main aims; to normalise mental health, to signpost people towards services and to provide mental health first aid training for those looking after young people.

As well as the online magazine, The Mind Map, hosts events and workshops to help young people navigate towards mental health services.

Phil said: “I have spent the past year developing our social enterprise, with clinical input.

“Three children in every classroom have a mental health problem and 50% of mental illnesses start before age 14, stemming from areas such as academic pressure, social media, bullying and poverty.

“We want to change that and we work with popular artistic and sporting talent to further vital discussions around mental health.”

You can support The Mind Map to train teachers in Youth Mental Health First Aid at www.crowdfunder.co.uk/the-mind-map.



Kirsty Day: Journalist Kirsty Day runs Yellow Jigsaw, a training, communications and events social enterprise alongside her business partner, Grace Dyke. Together they also run Big Heart Network – a skills sharing network to help other social enterprises and charities with marketing, PR and social media. Kirsty is formerly a MEN Media journalist, and has worked in media and campaigns for the national charity Alzheimer’s Society. She is a music-loving, red wine drinking, married mother-of-two boys, who has a passion for photography, walking and a good book.
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