In pictures: Stockport Business Awards packs out town hall

All the winners at the Stockport Business Awards 2016 (M Photographic)

More than 400 people packed out Stockport Town Hall for the annual Stockport Business Awards ceremony.

Stockport Business Awards, an event organised by accountancy practice Clarke Nicklin, was celebrating its fifth year having initially been set up by the firm in 2012.

A dozen businesses and individuals were recognised for their achievements, with the Special Recognition Award going to the 4 Heatons Traders Association.

Stockport Business Awards 2016 (M Photographic)
Stockport Business Awards 2016 (M Photographic)
Stockport Business Awards 2016 (M Photographic)
Stockport Business Awards 2016 (M Photographic)
Stockport Business Awards 2016 (M Photographic)
Stockport Business Awards 2016 (M Photographic)
Stockport Business Awards 2016 (M Photographic)
Stockport Business Awards 2016 (M Photographic)
Stockport Business Awards 2016 (M Photographic)
Stockport Business Awards 2016 (M Photographic)
Stockport Business Awards 2016 (M Photographic)
Stockport Business Awards 2016 (M Photographic)
Stockport Business Awards 2016 (M Photographic)
Stockport Business Awards 2016 (M Photographic)
Stockport Business Awards 2016 (M Photographic)
Stockport Business Awards 2016 (M Photographic)
Stockport Business Awards 2016 (M Photographic)
Stockport Business Awards 2016 (M Photographic)

Andrew Baggott, Managing Partner of Clarke Nicklin, said: “I am delighted at how the awards have grown and its testament to the Stockport business community that we can easily fill the largest room in Stockport.

“We were expecting another great night and we weren’t disappointed.

“There is always an amazing buzz in the room, and this year was no different, I think it is great for the business community to get together and celebrate something really positive happening in the borough.”

The Stockport Business Awards is an event set up for businesses by businesses.

It is organised by accountancy practice Clarke Nicklin, and headline sponsors are high profile businesses from the region; Gorvins Solicitors, Orbit Developments and NatWest.

Dominic Tinner, head of fundraising at Seashell Trust – named Best Not for Profit Organisation on the night – said: “This award is testament to the dedication and hard work of the entire Seashell Trust team.

“Seashell is now rightly recognised as a national centre of excellence, educating and caring for some of society’s most profoundly disabled children and young people who have little or no verbal communication.

“We are proud to have had our home in Stockport since 1954 and we wouldn’t be where we are without the support of dozens of Stockport companies.

“Every year Stockport companies provide hundreds of volunteers and raise ten of thousands of pounds for Seashell and many other charities.”

Full list of winners

Business of the Year £5m+ (sponsored by NatWest)

  • George Cox & Sons

Business of the Year £1-5m (sponsored by Gorvins Solicitors)

  • Madison Medical Professionals

Business of the Year up to £1m (sponsored by Orbit Developments)

  • Platform 81

Business Person of the Year (sponsored by Clarke Nicklin Chartered Accountants)

  • Chris Appleyard, Pioneer Group

Most Promising Young Business (sponsored by Clarke Nicklin Financial Planning)

  • Distology

Employer of the Year Award (sponsored by Rowlinson Knitwear)

  • Life Leisure

The Innovation Award (sponsored by Leemic)

  • UK Biobank

International Business of the Year (sponsored by MAN Diesel & Turbo)

  • Premier Textiles

Excellence in Corporate Social Responsibility (sponsored by Midshire Business Systems)

  • Valour Finance Group

Best Not for Profit Organisation (sponsored by Ashcroft Creative Design)

  • Seashell Trust

Retail Business of the Year (sponsored by Marketing Stockport)

  • Rhode Island Coffee

Special Recognition (sponsored by Stockport Council and Stockport Economic Alliance)

  • Four Heatons Traders Association
Paul Harrison: Paul Harrison has been working as a journalist for more than 25 years at Trinity Mirror, Guardian Media Group and the BBC. He has edited many respected newspapers including the Stockport Express and the Rochdale Observer, and now runs Paul Harrison Media.
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