Stockport tries to attract new shops

One of the 'vinyl' fronts in Stockport town centre

Bold and vibrant images will be appearing on several shops units within Stockport town centre’s historic area in a bid to attract new traders.

The result of work by the Portas Pilot Delivery Group and Stockport Council, the vinyls reveal the potential that vacant units offer, and how shops could once again be transformed into thriving businesses.

Joe Barratt, chair of the Portas Pilot Delivery Group, said: “Like a lot of people, I want to see the Underbanks come alive with new people and new businesses.

“To do that, it’s critically important that we address the problem of empty units that currently exists on our high streets.

“This project does exactly that, and I’m looking forward to seeing businesses decide to invest in Stockport Old Town.

“We felt it was very important to root the designs in Stockport’s history and show new businesses that they wouldn’t just be opening up a shop, they’d be becoming part of a community.”

Work is taking place across Stockport, as the council and its partners invest in the borough.

Councillor Patrick McAuley, Executive Member for Thriving Economy at Stockport Council commented: “The eye-catching and colourful designs of the vinyls are a great addition to these shops in our town centre and highlight the potential that vacant units in the town centre hold.

“Whilst the vinyls are fantastic I want to see these replaced with thriving businesses.

“This is an exciting time for Stockport as work on our Investing in Stockport programme continues.

“I would encourage business owners to find out more about how they can benefit from this and from everything that the historic areas and our town offers.“

To find out more about the Growth work taking place through Investing in Stockport visit http://www.stockport.gov.uk/investingingrowth.

Paul Harrison: Paul Harrison has been working as a journalist for more than 25 years at Trinity Mirror, Guardian Media Group and the BBC. He has edited many respected newspapers including the Stockport Express and the Rochdale Observer, and now runs Paul Harrison Media.
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