Take part in 10-Day Challenge and raise charity cash

Ruth Lynch headed up the fundraiser

Stockport residents are being asked to get their trainers on and raise money for Cancer Research UK as part of a special challenge launched by local health and fitness group, Life Leisure.

Life Leisure’s 10-Day Challenge started this week and invites participants to jog, walk, run or ride 10km in 10 days, 8km in 8 days, 5km in 5 days or 3km in 3 days.

Those taking part are encouraged to donate either £5 per individual, or £10 per household, with all proceeds going to Cancer Research UK via Just Giving at https://www.justgiving.com/fundraising/r-lynch1.

Ruth Lynch, Head of Health, Fitness & Communities at Life Leisure, is heading up the initiative and hopes it will help raise much needed funds.

“Around this time of year Life Leisure, our members and the wider Stockport community normally come together to support Cancer Research UK’s Race for Life events,” said Ruth.

“This year things are obviously different. But while we might not be able to meet up physically to raise money for such a great cause, there’s no reason why we can’t take part in a collective event.

“That’s why we decided to set up the 10 Day Challenge – something the community could really get behind, have fun doing, and that could also really help out a wonderful organisation.”

To emulate the comradery and group atmosphere of traditional challenge events, participants are being urged to share photos and videos of themselves taking part using the hashtag #10daychallengeCRUK.

Those using the hashtag will also automatically be entered into a draw to win a 3-month membership to H1VE, Stockport’s newest boutique fitness studio.

Life Leisure will be posting pictures and clips from those taking part throughout the challenge on Twitter @LifeLeisureUK and its Facebook page https://www.facebook.com/lifeleisure/


Paul Harrison: Paul Harrison has been working as a journalist for more than 25 years at Trinity Mirror, Guardian Media Group and the BBC. He has edited many respected newspapers including the Stockport Express and the Rochdale Observer, and now runs Paul Harrison Media.
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