Wilmslow mum raises £45,000 for charity

Penny Anson

A music-loving mum from Wilmslow has raised £45,000 for the children and young people’s cancer support charity CLIC Sargent.

Penny Anson’s latest concert – her tenth – took place at Manchester Grammar School and raised £10,000.

Penny started to fundraise for the charity ten years ago by organising charity fundraisers after her 15-year-old son, Joe, was diagnosed with Hodgkin Lymphoma.

She felt that her family owed ‘so much’ to CLIC Sargent and wanted to help other families in a similar position.

“We were so grateful for all the help and encouragement Joe had received from CLIC Sargent throughout his long battle with cancer,” she said.

“After successful treatment Joe became ill with secondary leukaemia and sadly died in 1999, just after his 18th birthday.

“It is impossible to describe the huge part the CLIC Sargent Social Workers played in our mental and physical survival.

“Our family, Joe in particular, received tremendous support from CLIC Sargent both at the Young Oncology Unit in The Christie in Manchester, and at home.

“Joe said many times that his CLIC Sargent Social Workers were amongst the most important people to help him through his illness, through his pain, his hair loss, his joy and much more.”

CLIC Sargent provides practical, emotional, clinical and financial support from diagnosis onwards for children and young people with cancer, and their families across the UK.

CLIC Sargent fundraising manager Maria Healy said:“It was an absolute privilege to be involved in the latest concert organised by Penny who time after time has shown so much energy in bringing people together who give up their time to put on this event.

“We really appreciate her hard work in raising awareness and funds for the charity through her concerts. Every penny raised will help provide vital support for children and young people with cancer, and their families.”

If you would like to know more about fundraising in and around the Manchester area for CLIC Sargent please contact  Maria Healy on 07500 961049 or Maria.Healy@clicsargent.org.uk.

Paul Harrison: Paul Harrison has been working as a journalist for more than 25 years at Trinity Mirror, Guardian Media Group and the BBC. He has edited many respected newspapers including the Stockport Express and the Rochdale Observer, and now runs Paul Harrison Media.
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