Withington Girls’ School elite offered Oxbridge places

The 21 Withington Girls’ School students offered places at Oxford or Cambridge

Three sixth formers from Didsbury and Chorlton are among a group of 21 Withington Girls’ School students who have received offers to study at Oxford and Cambridge universities this year.

Subject to receiving specified A-level grades, 19 current WGS students have been offered conditional places, and two of last year’s leavers hold unconditional offers- making it a record year for the school.

WGS students from the local area who have secured conditional offers for Oxford and Cambridge are; Sasha Geim, from Didsbury, who holds a place to study physical natural sciences at Pembroke College, Cambridge; Emily Bourne, also from Didsbury, holds an offer to study French and linguistics at St Catherine’s, Oxford; and Eleanor Edwards, from Chorlton, who hopes to follow in both her parents’ footsteps to attend Oxford where she has a conditional place at Corpus Christi College to read psychology and linguistics (PPL).

Headmistress Sarah Haslam said: “We’re delighted to see the girls’ passion for their subjects, willingness to engage with ideas and genuine curiosity about the world reflected in their offers to study at these leading universities.

“Their success is richly deserved and epitomises the culture of commitment to the value of learning and independence of thought we nurture and celebrate here at Withington.

“All of our Upper Sixth are to be congratulated – it is a pleasure to work with these outstanding young women who not only embrace the opportunity to learn but also make such a wonderful contribution to the life of the school and the wider community.”

Other WGS upper sixth girls are also holding offers to study at the UK’s top universities, including  Durham, Edinburgh, King’s College London, LSE and UCL.

Course choices span a broad range of subjects, with 25% hoping to study medicine, demonstrating Withington’s status as one of the top dozen gateways for entry into Britain’s best educational institutions.

Paul Harrison: Paul Harrison has been working as a journalist for more than 25 years at Trinity Mirror, Guardian Media Group and the BBC. He has edited many respected newspapers including the Stockport Express and the Rochdale Observer, and now runs Paul Harrison Media.
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