Withington Girls’ School pupils celebrate ‘stellar’ A-level results

Withington students Anya Nanchahal, Hannah Ali, Florence Bradshaw and Timea Iliffe

Pupils at Withington Girls’ School celebrated with a set of impressive A-level results, recording 31% of grades at A* and 93% at A* to B.

In an exceptional achievement, Annie Hine was the UK’s highest performer in OCR’s A-level English language in the June 2019 examinations. Annie, who lives in Didsbury, plans to study psychology at Lancaster University.

Nine Withington students have earned their places at Oxford and Cambridge universities, joining four 2018 leavers who will also start their Oxbridge studies in September after receiving confirmed offers earlier in the year.

With four girls achieving four A* grades, 13 students achieving a clean sweep of three or more A*s and nearly half of the students achieving at least three A* to A grades, the majority of girls were delighted to have secured their first-choice offers to study degree courses at the country’s top universities.

“We are privileged to be able to celebrate the achievements of this exceptional group of young women as they move on to the next stage of their life with self-assurance, confidence and excitement,” said headmistress Sarah Haslam.

“This year’s results once again demonstrate the rich diversity of interests enjoyed by our girls who have not only attained stellar grades across a broad range of academic subjects but who will now go on to study a varied range of courses.

“As always, our girls do not shy away from the subjects traditionally favoured by boys and we were delighted that 77% of the grades achieved in mathematics were at A* or A grades.”

Withington’s reputation of excellence in the STEM subjects was again confirmed with 40% of results from 100 examinations taken across mathematics and the sciences achieved at A*, and 73% at A-A*.

Withington’s Class of 2019 celebrate an impressive set of A-level results along with headmistress Sarah Haslam (centre right) and head of sixth form Elizabeth Robinson (centre left)

“We’re sad to say farewell to the Class of 2019, who have embraced with gusto the many opportunities available to them and who have contributed so much to school life during their time at Withington,” says Mrs Haslam, adding that 16 pupils, or 22% of the cohort, completed the challenging Duke of Edinburgh’s Gold Award while preparing for their A-levels.

“They have participated in a wealth of activities including sport, the performing and creative arts and debating but have also dedicated time to fundraising efforts, voluntary work and supporting our partnerships with local primary schools. ”

“We wish them the very best for their futures as they head off towards the next chapter of their education and look forward to welcoming the Class of 2019 back as part of our active alumnae network.”

Open days for entry to Withington Girls’ School will be held on Thursday, November 7, and Saturday, November 9 – see www.wgs.org for more details on 2020 admissions.

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