Council tax in Stockport will rise by almost 5% next year. Residents living in an average band D property in will pay £1,521.77 for council services in 2017/18 following last night’s Budget Council meeting – an increase of 4.99%.
But with police and fire precepts added, Band D householders will pay £1,744.02 for the year – up from £1,665.
Of the 4.99% council increase, 3% relates to the Adult Social Care Precept to help to tackle the increasing costs and reduced resources of adult social care across the borough.
Councillor Alex Ganotis, leader of Stockport Council, said: “Between 2016 and 2021 we have a reduction of £60m in funding, meaning we have to make difficult choices.
“By increasing the council tax, we feel that we’re protecting our most vulnerable members of society whilst supporting independence for individuals and communities.
“We’re building this and future years’ spending plans on delivering value for money against a background of ever increasing pressure on our resources.
“This means we’ll need to continue to find more savings in future years and we’re focussed on ensuring that everything we do as a council and with partners meets the objectives we’ve set ourselves.
“I understand that the headline for many people at this moment in time is the coming council tax rise, but as a borough we also have a lot to look forward too over the coming months and years.
“One example of this is the regeneration taking place across Stockport, which shows our commitment along with our partners in making Stockport an even better place to live, work and visit.”
According to the council, the remaining 1.99% of the increase ‘will ensure the council can continue to fund essential frontline services to residents particularly those who are most vulnerable in the light of reductions in central government funding’.
Overall, when taking account of the Greater Manchester Police and Crime Commissioner and Fire and Rescue Authority Precepts, which the council does not set but has to collect, the band D council tax is £1,744.02, or an extra £1.51 per week for an average band D property.
Council Tax charges in 2017/18 (inc precepts)
- Band A: £1,162.67 (£1,110.34)
- Band B: £1,356.45 (£1,295.39)
- Band C: £1,550.23 (£1,480.45)
- Band D: £1,744.02 (£1,665.52)
- Band E: £2,131.58 (£2,035.64)
- Band F: £2,519.13 (£2,405.75)
- Band G: £2,906.69 (£2,775.86)
- Band H: £3,488.04 (£3,331.04)
(2016/17 figure in brackets)