Heaton Moor restaurants the most popular in Stockport

Easy Fish in Heaton Moor

Two restaurants in Heaton Moor are in the top four most popular in Stockport, according to TripAdvisor reviews.

The consumer review website has Easy Fish on Heaton Moor Road at the top of its ratings, while nearby Damson comes in at number four.

Easy Fish is based in the shop of the same name and also has a branch in Wilmslow, while Damson is owned by Steve Pilling and has a second restaurant at MediaCity.

In second spot is Copper Lounge in Hazel Grove with The Midway pub in Offerton in third.

Restaurants in Marple and Hazel Grove also feature in the top 10, while town centre pub, the Arden Arms, and the Hare and Hounds, also in Marple, are highly rated.

The Top 1o Restaurants in Stockport (according to TripAdvisor)

  1. Easy Fish, Heaton Moor
  2. Copper Lounge, Hazel Grove
  3. The Midway, Offerton
  4. Damson, Heaton Moor
  5. Perugia, Marple
  6. Hare and Hounds, Marple
  7. CockaDoodleMoo, Hazel Grove
  8. The Arden Arms, Stockport
  9. Dutsons, Marple
  10. Bun and Bones, Hazel Grove

(Correct as of January 30, 2016)

Paul Harrison: Paul Harrison has been working as a journalist for more than 25 years at Trinity Mirror, Guardian Media Group and the BBC. He has edited many respected newspapers including the Stockport Express and the Rochdale Observer, and now runs Paul Harrison Media.
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