To choose or not to choose LIPA, that is the question for brilliant young Bowdon actor Jonah Rzeskiewiecz.
The talented St Ambrose College classical actor has won a place at Paul McCartney’s world-renowned Liverpool Institute of Performing Arts but also has auditions continuing at RADA.
Jonah said: “It is such an honour to have been accepted by LIPA.
“Places on their acting degree course are so competitively sought after and it has such a wonderful reputation, and I would love to study there.”
A talented academic with a string of top A* and A grades in his GCSEs, Jonah has combined academic study with performances for St Ambrose, his acting school and the professional theatre, most notably as the young Edward III in Christopher Marlow’s Edward II in the critically acclaimed Royal Exchange production in 2011.
Jonah, who is studying English, art and philosophy, in the St Ambrose College Sixth Form, said: “I remember going into first reading room with all the professional actors, some fully 6ft 5 ins tall with deep resonant voices and thinking how am I going to share the same stage with these professionals.
“They all know what they are doing and I am going to be embarrassed but they all made it so easy for me and made me feel very much part of the team and since then I have wanted to be a classically trained theatre actor.”
Jonah who cites Tom Hardy and Leonardo DiCaprio as his favourite actors, would study different acting methods including Stanislavsky and Brecht at LIPA and says he likes to get into character every day.
Mair Bull, head of drama at St Ambrose College, said: “Jonah is a striking young character actor who played Prospero in the College’s production of The Tempest and gave such a memorable and polished performance.
“If he works hard and learns his trade as I am sure he will at LIPA, he could become one of the faces of the future.”