On Tuesday night (6 June) Police & Crime Commissioner David Keane had the opportunity to welcome Cheshire Constabulary’s latest intake of Special Constables.
During the formal attestation event which saw the new recruits swear their Oath in-front of family, friends and members of the Constabulary, the Commissioner took the opportunity to publicly reaffirm his Oath of Office.
Reflecting on the evening’s events David said: “Being able to publicly reaffirm my Oath of Office was something I felt very passionately about. I am immensely proud to have taken up the role of Commissioner and felt it important to publicly set out my commitment. It was a real honour to share the stage with a new set of Special Constables who are volunteering to help the Constabulary keep our communities safe. I was delighted to be able to welcome the new recruits.
“The role that volunteers play as part of the police family, whether it be as a police support volunteer, a cadet or a special is vital and I am certain those I met last night will support and add value to frontline and neighbourhood policing in Cheshire.”